Fascism Vs Communism

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In every civilization officials are elected that to oversee and govern the people in their society based on what they feel is best suited for their country to flourish and succeed against other competing nations, but there is always a possibility for these elected officials to abuse the power given to them. A totalitarian government that has complete control over all aspects of the lives of its citizens is known as fascism. A fascist government conflicts with the views of a democratic government, as they are almost complete opposites. Comparisons can be drawn between Fascism and Communism as they both share similar views. Leading to believe that it would also be very difficult for a communist takeover of the United States to occur. It has never…show more content…
It is usually associated with unstable political environments such as China and Cuba. Fascist governments create an economic system that essentially splits their society into two groups, the upper class for the rich and ruling, and the working class who produce for the leaders. In turn the ruling elite class forcibly instills super nationalistic ideals in all their citizens in an attempt to justify their actions otherwise brute force is used. This ideology serves as a clear opposition to capitalism. Private owners for profit does not control trade and industry but instead the industries and trade are ran and owned by the government who rules with a sense of absolutism. This was evident in Nazi Germany during the time of Hitler, who was a dictator who had power that transcended the laws itself. He was so popular in Nazi Germany because he portrayed himself as their savior that promised a way out of their economic misery at the height of the 1930 depression in Germany (USHMM, 2015). Fascism had piqued the interest of the German people because it promoted extreme change and a nobody-gets-left-behind type of…show more content…
This ideology is often allowed to materialize quickly because it is easy to get support from the elite upper class to back a government that would give them all the power. It is an ideal that dismisses the person from being a creative freethinking individual; instead people are seen as being part of one collective group. Fascism couldn’t exist in a country like the United States that promotes freedom, equality and justice for all its citizens. People turn to extreme forms of government when democracy fails, as fascists are more interested in the empowerment of their government creating a society where the people can be manipulated as instruments for the governing body. Looking at our nation, comparisons are drawn to a police state, but it is far from fascism. It started its initial development in Italy in the 1920s and then was later perfected by Hitler in Nazi Germany in the 1930s (SAHO, 2015). As seen throughout history Fascism wins over its supporters by instilling a strong sense of nationalism by eliminating conflict between social classes and uniting the citizens through shared values and traditions of a nation. These shared, yet forced values lead to a nation to rely on the use of a scapegoat. The scapegoating of the Jews by Hitler would be the most obvious example of this, but there have been similarities to this in 21st Century United States. Such as the War on Terrorism, being an

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