Chuck Yeager Research Paper

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Charles Elwood Yeager was born on February 13, 1923 in Myra, West Virginia, to Susie Mae and Albert Hal Yeager. Chuck attended high school in Hamlin, West Virginia. Immediately after graduating from high school Chuck enlisted in the U.S. Army Air Corps to serve in World War II. Chuck was shot down over enemy territory in 1943. He evaded capture and with the help of the French resistance, he escaped over the Pyrenees Mountains into Spain, which was a neutral country. U.S. Army policy at the time prohibited him from returning to combat fight but Chuck appealed to General Dwight D. Eisenhower and was allowed to fly combat missions again. In all, he flew 64 combat missions in World War 11. On one mission he shot down a German jet with a…show more content…
Army Air Corms became the United States Air Force and Chuck Yeager became a flight instructor and test pilot. In 1947 he was assigned to test fly the rocket powered X-1 fighter plane. At this time no one knew if a fixed wing aircraft could fly faster than the speed of sound or if a human could service it. Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier on October 14, 1947, a few days after breaking some of his ribs falling off a horse. In 1952 Check Yeager set a new speed record of 1650 mph, more than twice the speed of sound. When the “space race” started in 1956 Chuck Yeager commanded the Air Force Aerospace Research Pilots School to train pilots for the space program. He supervised the development of the flight simulator and the introduction of advanced computers to Air Force Pilots. Chuck Yeager was not selected for service in space but nearly half of all the astronauts graduated from his school. In 1963, Chuck Yeager was flying the experimental Lockheed Star fighter at nearly twice the speed of sound, when the engine turned off and he was forced to abandon the spinning airplane. His flight suit caught fire from the ejector seat and then tangled in his parachute. He survived but had to have skin grafts to his

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