Falcon Advertising Case Study

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Falcon Advertising is introducing a whole new idea of Booklet Advertising into the Printing Advertising market. This concept is to turn the traditional Magazine upside down by reversing the amount of content and advertising in Magazine. The percentage of ad pages in magazines has ranged between 45 percent and 51 percent over the past 10 years, according to Magazine Publishers of America. (Adweek, 2009) Falcon Advertising is crafting the Advertising Booklet into 70 percent advertising and 30 percent content. In another word, Falcon Advertising is offering booklet advertising with magazine content. Furthermore, Falcon Advertising is a one stop advertising solution for every business. Falcon Advertising provides advertising service beginning…show more content…
Malaysians have a poor reading. According to a 2007 United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) study, it was reported that on average, Malaysians read between eight to 12 books a year. This is a dismally low number when we consider that the national adult literacy rate is 92%. One of the most evident reasons for the lack of interest in reading is the expensive cost of books in Malaysia. (The Star, 2010) By distributing the booklet for free to the public, Falcon Advertising can create more awareness and encourage the reading habits amongst the public, as they do not need to spends their hard-earned money on reading materials that they have no time to read. The small and compact booklet offered by Falcon Advertising will significantly make a different compared to other reading materials as we only provide readers with compacted, yet useful…show more content…
Tele-marketing 2. Face-to-face marketing 3. PR Marketing 4. Call to Action (CTA) Marketing 5. Personalized Marketing Tele-marketing basically is to attract customers by calling them through the phone and offer our services. According to Chron, telemarketing involves lower overhead costs than employing an outside sales force, saving small businesses money. Telemarketing also offers a way to follow up with existing customers. Staying in contact with your customers gives you an opportunity to find out more about the client’s needs and build a better relationship. In the end, improved customer satisfaction can have a significant impact on the profitability of your business. (Chron, n.d.) Falcon Advertising also enforcing Face-to-face marketing strategy as we believe, communicate face-to-face is the best way to understand our customers’ needs and wants. Marketers can observe and collect information based on the verbal and non-verbal communication from the customers. According to a report from Meeting Professionals International (MPI), 40% of prospects converted to new customers via face-to-face meetings, and 28% of current business would be lost without face-to-face meetings. (Marketing Profs,

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