Human Development Index In Ethiopia

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What is HDI? HDI is the abbreviation for Human Development Index which is an International organisation that were created to emphasise people and what they are capable of, in addition; to question National policy choices on the specific country’s Gross Domestic Income (GNI) and how it offers to develop human development outcomes. Therefore, the HDI is a measure of average key dimensions on human development, whereby people can live a healthy live, be knowledgeable and also be able to have a standard of living. Thus, the has a HDI geometric mean in order to gain normalized means for each of the following dimensions; Health dimension, Standard of living dimension, and the use of Logarithm of income dimension. Therefore, in simple terms the HDI…show more content…
However, according to the GDP annual growth percentage of Ethiopia there has been years where the GDP has decreased to a low of -2.16% and some years greatly increased to a maximum of 13.6%. Furthermore, with the rapid increase in population internationally and also locally within Ethiopia where it increased to a maximum of 99 million people over the years which will indefinitely create a rise in poverty if the country does not provide opportunities to its citizens in order to avoid the decline in the standard of living amongst them. Therefore, Ethiopia has done so accordingly as the poverty head count ratio is less than half of the country’s population, whereby, 44.5% of people were living in poverty, however, it declined over the years to a rough 30% that are now living in poverty according to data in 2010. Likewise, with Ethiopia’s environmental condition on how it is protected and how resources are preserved. They have done this by gradually decreasing their carbon emissions (metric tonnes per capital) which they release into the atmosphere, however, certain years Ethiopia have released more than usual carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and even now presently the emissions released into the atmosphere are increasing…show more content…
The country’s trade and exports are almost half of the country’s GDP, 41.5%, where exports and imports are the same, in addition foreign investment has a 2% contribution, furthermore; official assistance has 8% contribution, and remittance a mere 1.4%. The sectors which did not contribute to the GDP or did not have any data available were the private capital inflows. Likewise, the demographic data of Ethiopia differs from what the World Bank states with a 2 million population difference, in addition; the rate upon which people depend on is large to those who work as to those between the ages of 5-14 and 65 and above, for example; the number of adult/teenagers between the ages of 15-64 that work will at least work for one individual. On the other hand at least 10 employed individuals are needed to provide for the elderly that are above 65 years old, furthermore; the population of Ethiopia has a relatively young age group where the children’s population, between the age of 0-5, are relatively close to those people living in the median age, consequently, meaning the mortality rate of young individuals are high. Furthermore, these individuals that are not employed in ratio to those that are employed, 15 years and older, are 75% , consequently; meaning that Ethiopia does generate income above the poverty line, yet, there are still

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