Explain The Augustine Theodicy

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Designed and proposed by a famous philosopher and theologian, Augustine of Hippo; The Augustinian Theodicy was designed to be a Christian theodicy responding to the Problem of Evil, with intentions of removing any links of the existence of evil and suffering from God, to reassure believers that God really is Omnibenevolent and Omniscient. The Augustinian theodicy leads people to believe that Evil is a result and consequence of human errors, linking this theory to Genesis 3, in the story of The Fall - Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden, where the original sin was committed and God’s one wish was disobeyed due to temptation and greed (Augustine believes this was a matter of freewill and choice) — This theodicy presents free will in a harsher and more unpleasant tone, and is perceived to be a negative way of viewing humanity and our freewill, because of it’s insinuation that there is no escape from the evil and suffering that we have supposedly brought upon ourselves due to our own human errors. There are three main principles that help explain the Augustinian Theodicy: Firstly, as previously mentioned, Augustine believed that Evil is a result of human error, and that Evil was brought upon us as punishment for our human errors.…show more content…
The issue with this is that it contradicts two things: One of the contradictions suggests that God did not create a world full of goodness and that evil was a creation of God; Another contradiction suggests that perhaps God didn’t create everything, therefore causing doubt and suspicion for the belief that God is

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