Women Vs Roman Women Essay

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Despite living in completely different parts of the world, the women of Rome and China surprisingly had a lot in common. Of course, there were a vast number of differences as well, but the two have more similarities than one may think. Although, both had similar roles in regards to their household duties, treatment in society and their inferiority to men, the women of Rome lived more of a life of luxury, while the women of China were essentially slaves to all men, including their own sons. One of the main similarities between these two groups of women is their household duties, as both were expected to be the main caretakers of the household. All cooking, cleaning, sewing, childcare, and even household repairs were expected to be their…show more content…
For the women of China it did not matter if they were noble or not, they were to do all of the household work themselves and were not allowed to enlist or hire help. Whereas the noble women of Rome frequently had slaves or servants to do all of this work for them and their role would typically be to manage or supervise the tasks. In contrast to the wives of noble Chinese men, the wives of Roman noblemen were also expected to be in charge of the family estate if their husbands were to be away for a significant amount of time. These women might even have to defend the estate in the event of an attack, meaning they would have to have knowledge of weapons as…show more content…
Foot binding was considered very attractive and was started in the royal court. People began seeing this as a way to improve their social status and poor families put great pressure on their daughters to be able to work in the fields while still making sure their feet were bound properly. Because there women were unable to walk, they were to do their field work on their hands and knees. Fortunately for the women of Rome, they did not have any similar practices that were common in their

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