Examples Of Sexism In Paradise Lost

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Sexism Shown Through Eve In Paradise Lost by John Milton, sexism is displayed through the character of Eve, who is brought into the story as purely an object of beauty and lust. She was made for Adam to be his companion and was also meant to be inferior to him. Eve’s beauty was in Adam’s image and she is easily persuaded. Eve was capable of learning but did not have the desire to learn. The punishments received by God towards Eve were perceived as sexist because women were deemed as simple caretakers and were meant for just childbirth. Adam and Eve were the first creations of God and were considered the start of human kind. Adam was created as a strong and knowledgeable person. He was a perfect person in every way and had a close relationship…show more content…
He was very sophisticated and understands ideas easily. His only weakness was his desire for Eve as well as his hunger for knowledge and curiosity. Eve was created in Adam’s image to be his mate. However, her beauty is greater than that of Adam’s. Although Eve is displayed as the more loving and emotional of the two, she can also be seen as vain. For example, as Eve strolls through the Garden of Eden she sees her reflection in the water and is suddenly smitten by her beauty. Her being so obsessed with herself and her looks is her biggest weakness. Satan believed that his own free intellect was just as great as God’s will and believe that the mind could make its own Hell out of Heaven. Within the battle between God and Satan, Satan and his angels attempt to prove that he can overpower God. He set his eyes on The Garden of Eden to cause sin and by wishing to pervert God’s will and find a way to make evil out of good. Satan had one of his angels distract the guardian of the Garden of Eden so Satan

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