Stoker's Treatment Of Women In Dracula

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There have been many other literature examples of the price women would pay if they become fallen. Once she is pregnant out of wedlock, that’s when right are given, but not favorable ones. An unmarried woman becomes financial responsible for the child, not the man (Forman). The impure women, outsiders of society, can ruin the solidity of the family entity. As long as a woman even appeared to act inappropriately could have ruthless repercussions. Furthermore, books were written as instruction manuals for women to follow as if becoming honorable was something that had to be taught. Dracula explored the vampire creature. Stoker made a clever move when he describes the feasting in blood between two beings, same as intercourse. Sex was so taboo in those times, this could have been Stoker’s way to include it in his novel. Moreover, Stoker created these creatures to be perverted-like and hated by other women by including the devouring of children and babies. It shows the extreme from the image of Mina. Women are to be nurturing creatures, and in the book, these brides may be beautiful and charming but have none of the mothering nature that is natural for a female. Another way the female vampires were portrayed to be evil was very obvious. Vampires, in general, dislike any religious and superstitious items. That is why Van Helsing…show more content…
She was the in-between of the other women in the story. She is the key in making the point of sexuality equals to evil. After Lucy had exchanged blood with Dracula, she knew herself of the change and that it was not good. Her conversion from a vivacious and virginal Victorian to a sexual wanton was obvious to all, including herself. That is why she asked Van Helsing to destroy her when she is transformed. Lucy, even though she was a big flirt with men which resulted in receiving three marriage proposals, by default she was considered and ideal Victorian woman because of her connection with

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