Examples Of Juxtaposition In Shakespeare

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Shakespeare uses the juxtaposition of men and women to suggest that although his love boy is not a woman, and thus have a different anatomy, he is still has many womanly characteristics. Therefore, he can love him just the same, if not more. The young man that he refers to in his sonnets has feminine characteristics, while also having an extra “thing” (12), a penis. Shakespeare says, “A woman’s face with Nature’s own hand painted/ Hast thou, the master mistress of my passion” (Shakespeare.20.1-2) Here he says that this young man has the face of a woman, assuring that he has feminine features. Then, Shakespeare calls him a master mistress. By referring to him with opposite gender terms, he is inferring that the young man has double gender. Shakespeare then writes, “A woman’s gentle heart but…show more content…
Women are usually seen as the fragile sex. Thus, women have a delicate heart. Therefore, he is suggesting that his young lover also has a delicate heart. However, he also mentions that the young man’s heart is also different than women’s, in the sense that women’s emotions and ideas are always changing (shifting change). Shakespeare refers to this change as “false woman’s fashion,” which has a negative connotation, as false is the opposite of truth and only truth is pure and good. Thus, his heart is even better than a woman’s heart because it does not go through this change of mind/heart. Shakespeare also writes, “An eye more bright than their, less false in rolling/ Gilding the object whereupon it gazeth” (Shakespeare.20.5-6). Again Shakespeare is comparing and contrasting the young man and women. His eyes are supposedly brighter than women’s and they don’t falsely roll. In this sense, rolling suggests flirting. Thus, Shakespeare is suggesting that his young lover does not falsely flirt with anyone. However, when his eye gaze at anyone, that person becomes golden (gilding), as he or she would be the lucky, chosen

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