Death And Mortality In Hamlet Essay

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William Shakespeare is known for his use of comedy, tragedy, and history in his writings. In his story ''Hamlet'', shakespeare successfully portrays the theme of death and mortality by his main use of tragedy as his genre. In the beginning of the play, death is first mentioned when Bernardo exclaims ''Long live the king!'' (Hamlet,1082). The quote opens the image of mortality and instantly gets the reader thinking what had happened to the king. With this opening to the story, it gives the reader an idea of how king Hamlets death connects to each character and event. The biggest internal conflict is Hamlet's struggle to decide whether to avenge his father's death or not. As the story progresses, a ghost approaches Hamlet and tells him there is unfinished business. The ghost seems to be made up of Hamlet's imagination due to his overwhelming need to find a reason for his fathers death. With the appearance of a ghost, it shows a sign of death coming, an overwhelming evil approaching. In the play, death makes itself the main role in the entire play from the opening scene with the…show more content…
Hamlet’s thought provoking and second guessing himself led to the mental breakdown he had in Act 1. Hamlet is hurt and obsessed by sorrow and misery from the death of his father and the “incestuous marriage”(Hamlet,1091) of his mother with Claudius. The events that recently took place in his life had him convinced that life was brutal in many ways. Hamlet contemplates the thought of suicide but stops himself due to the possibility of suffering in the afterlife. With his most well known phrase “To be or not To be”(Hamlet,1127), He notes that the afterlife is “[t]he undiscover'd country from whose bourn / No traveller

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