Examples Of Imagery In Macbeth

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The abundance of imagery in Macbeth is imperative in understanding the play. Macbeth was written by William Shakespeare. It is an eminently intriguing play about a profoundly loyal soldier who is quickly seduced into desiring power. Macbeth does not commit nefarious deeds naturally but he does desire power and advancement. He takes the life of several innocent people with the assistance of his narcissistic wife, Lady Macbeth to obtain his illimitable power. They do feel remorse for their unconscionable actions but their guilt is permanent. Shakespeare masterfully utilizes imagery to portray the feelings of guilt within the characters which leads to other indissoluble horror filled feelings and displays the violations of natural order.…show more content…
The creatures suggest a disjointed and disorganized state representing the unnatural and disorderly acts of the tyrannical Macbeth. The normally gracious horses of Duncan, ”turned wild in nature, broke their stalls, flung out”(II.iv.16). The horses acted like they were in war with mankind and displayed what within the world is a permanently latent fear(Leggatt 66). Moreover Macbeth explains to his wife that the murder of Duncan is not the end of their difficulties because they put the snake representing danger out of action, but not removed it altogether. Macbeth explains the situation: ”We have scotch’d the snake, not kill’d it, she’ll close and be herself, whilst our poor malice remain in danger of her former tooth… ere we will eat our meals in fear, and sleep in the affliction of these terrible dreams”(II.iii.13-17). While there is still danger, they will have restless nights and eat their meals with an uneasy heart(Notes on Shakespeare 41). Another exceptionally unnatural occurrence was when an owl who normally devours mice ate a falcon. The old man explains: ”A falcon...was by a mousing owl hawked at and killed.(II.iv.13-14). Nature is protesting this most “unnatural” murder, centered around the witches who make a stew in Act 5 made up of pieces of men and animals, unnatural to the point of dissolution(Costello 39). To end, the animals symbolized many unnatural…show more content…
Macbeth is incapable of removing the blood from his hands. Horrified by his murder of King Duncan, Macbeth looks at his bloodstained hands and says: What hands are here?- Ha, they pluck out mine eyes!- Will all great Neptune’s oceans wash away this blood clean my hand? -No. This my hand will rather the multitudinous seas incarnadine,- making the green one red”(II.ii.60-64. The image of Duncan’s blood turning all the ocean’s incarnadine from red to green implies the guilt is permanent and reveals the terrifying sorrow Macbeth feels over committing the murder(The World Book Encyclopedia). Furthermore, following his meeting with the vicious witches, Macbeth leaves land to embrace the instabilities of the ocean. After debating tirelessly on the idea of killing Banquo, Macbeth resolves to plunge himself farther into a blood sea: ”I am in blood, stepped in so far that, should I wade no more,/ returning were as tedious as goo’er”(III.iv.137-139). Macbeth explains how he has walked so far into this river of blood that even if he stopped now, it would be as difficult to go back to being good as it is to keep killing people. Confronting the witches a second time, Macbeth recognizes they represent wild oceanic nature and that following them means rejecting land order(Mentz 34). Blood is used to symbolize the guilt from

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