Examples Of Greed In The Pearl By John Steinbeck

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Greed In The Pearl In The Pearl by John Steinbeck, Kino and Juana’s son is sick and they want the best for their son by trying to find a way to cure him. Kino is a diver and he finds a pearl that he believes will be enough to pay for his son’s cure, but he later comes to find that it hurt his family. Kino’s greed for the pearl doesn’t let him see what is really happening. In the book, there is a scene where Kino and Juana are supposedly sleeping in their house. Juana gets up to go get the pearl from the place that they keep in safe in and sneaks out of the house. Kino had seen everything and follows her outside of their house to the beach shore. Then “...she heard him coming and she broke into a run. Her arm was up to throw when he leaped at

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