Examples Of Greed In Othello

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Be careful of who you trust. Liars will have wicked minds with tricky tricks to deceive and entrap others. People have a tendency to gain revenge when we do not get what we want. In Shakespeare’s tragic drama, Othello, the evil mastermind, Iago, is not who he seems to be. While Iago keeps his true identity a secret, he uses his words as poison to manipulate the thoughts, emotions, and actions of the characters. Iago utilizes his credibility to gain others’ trust by convincing them that he’s honest and trustworthy. That is he made others believe he is honest and his words are true. Specifically, by describing Othello and Desdemona’s relationship as “a black ram tupping [a] white ewe,” Iago appeals to Brabantio’s morals and values (I.1.97-98). Iago uses imagery against Othello to create a dirty appearance for Othello. The evil mastermind also captures Brabantio’s full attention, as he does not want his daughter to marry the Moor. Again, Iago appeals to Roderigo’s ethics by…show more content…
In short, Iago manipulates others’ logic and reason by encouraging and/or adding fuel to their fire. For instance, when Cassio was dismissed for his lieutenancy, Iago quickly jumped in and consoled him. Iago gave Cassio advice on how he may be able to get his position back because he wants to help him “in sincerity of love and honest kindness” (II.3.347-48). Iago asserts Cassio that he likes and respects him make Cassio believe that he is trying to help him. When Iago tells Othello some intense information, he would always start with hesitation to tease Othello. After telling Othello the information, he will use intimation by saying “patience…your mind perhaps may change” to Othello (III.3.513). In simpler terms, Iago teases Othello and then smacks down the intense information to him. Although Iago uses faulty logic, he is still able to persuade others with his powerful

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