Examples Of Foresight In Macbeth

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Fear and foresight are constant adversaries that fight to control a person’s decisions, however fear could not exist without foresight; one needs to be expectant of an outcome in order to develop fear and even then, sometimes the outcome does not require fear. In Shakespeare’s Macbeth, the main character is given foresight from a series of prophecies which propel him into actions that do him both good and harm. His ambitions are fueled by the prophecies and the fears or the absence of fears, as a result of them. Macbeth’s wife, Lady Macbeth can also be seen to be influenced by these forces. Her desire of her husband to be King pushes her to commit dastardly deeds, when she becomes nervous, her foresight reminds her that she must not be afraid for her husband could not become King if she were to act guilty. Macbeth’s tale proves that foresight and fear both have a hand in the choices one makes, yet importantly, foresight can he an influencer of fear.…show more content…
Given the seductive foresight of the prophecies, Macbeth plots how he could become King and sends a letter back to lady Macbeth saying he must kill King Duncan. As the King of Scotland, Macbeth is still haunted by the predictions of the witches and becomes paranoid of Banquo. If the prophecies had come true for him, Macbeth fears they will also come true for Banquo, which drives him to have Banquo killed. Without the prediction that Banquo would be the father of a line of Kings, Macbeth would not have had foresight and therefore would not have feared Banquo. Although Macbeth became paranoid and fearful because of his anticipation of the future, foresight can also be seen to quell

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