Examples Of Disillusionment In Hamlet

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Although Hamlet does show at times that he has a wealth of wisdom and brilliance, the sudden marriage between his mother and uncle so soon after the death of his father has driven him to find peace in his own insanity. With nothing else left to bring him happiness, he succumbed to the power of the harsh truths of his life: no joy can be found anywhere for him and it is easier to go crazy than to actually feel pain. Hamlet has Borderline Personality Disorder, and it took the death of his father at the hands of his uncle to bring that fact into the light. “You shall not go my lord. [They hold back Hamlet]... Hold off your hands.” (I.v.88-89) When Hamlet is told by his friends that the ghost of his father roams the area near Elsinore, he is eager to find it…show more content…
Brutally destroying his relationship with Ophelia and accusing Guildenstern of lying are only a few examples of Hamlet sabotaging his personal life and making things difficult for everyone around him. He does so carelessly and without regard for the repercussions of his actions, showing that he is in an angry and frantic state of mind. “... A pattern of intense and stormy relationships with family, friends and loved ones.” What is Borderline Personality Disorder? Page 1) Hamlet has BPD, and it shows throughout the first few acts, stemming from the death of his father at the hands of his uncle. It was this event and this event alone that brought his mental disorder into the light. Hamlet needs to come to terms with his insanity before more people get hurt - before he, himself, gets

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