Ewell Family Character Analysis

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G Characterize the Ewell family Y Irresponsible R hunts out of season R bad hygiene R only goes to school on first day when they want to Y Burris Ewell R how he talks R he acts R poor G Burris Ewell has grown up mean because of an irresponsible family I am going to characterize the Ewell family. Many of the members of the Ewell family were very irresponsible. For instance they hunt out of season, which is against the law. “ Mr. Bob Ewell, Burri’s father, was permitted to hunt and trap out of season” (Lee 41). It also said after that Bob did not care about the law and will never change his ways. Which is very irresponsible of a single parent. Ewells are also irresponsible because of the bad hygiene. Example is Burris had lice in hair, which scared Ms. Caroline. In the novel it has a…show more content…
His neck was dark gray, the backs of his hands were rusty, and his fingernails were deep black into the quick” (Lee 35). The last way the Ewell family is irresponsible is when they go to school. It says they only go to school the first of the school year. The only other time they come is if they want to learn that day. That is the kids being irresponsible, but also the parent not making them going to school. At school Burris Ewell is rude. One way is how he talks to everyone. Burris says “ Report and be damned to ye! Ain’t no snot-nosed slut of a schoolteacher ever born c’n make me do nothin’! You ain’t making me go nowhere, missus. You just remember that, you ain’t makin’ me go nowhere!”(Lee 37). That is very rude to say to anyone especially an adult. Also he is rude because he thinks he can just say anything to anyone whenever he wants. Another characteristic about Burris is that he how he acts very rude. An example is when Miss Caroline said he was going to get reported he snorted and slouched

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