Evolution Of Grid Computing: The Evolution Of Grid Computing

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Do the Grid ! Evolution of Grid computing The concept of tapping the unused CPU cycles was born way back in the early 1970s. This was the time when computers were first getting linked together using network engineering. In 1973, the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) installed the first Ethernet network and the first full-fledged distributed computing effort was underway. Scientists John F. Shoch and Jon A. Hupp developed a worm (as they named it), and imagined it moving from machine to machine using the futile resources for doing something resourceful. Richard Crandall, an eminent scientist at Apple, started putting idle, networked NeXT™ computers to work. He installed software that enabled the machines to perform computations and to…show more content…
Basically it is a computer network in which each computer's resources are shared with every other computer in the system i.e. processing power, memory and data storage are all unrestricted resources that authorized users can access and control for certain projects. A grid computing system can be elementary and homogenous – such as a pool of similar computers running on the same operating system or complex and heterogeneous- such as - inter-networked systems consisting of nearly every computer platform that exists. Grid computing started as a response to scientific users’ need to combine huge amounts of computing power to run very complex applications. The ad hoc assemblages of distributed resources were coordinated by software that mediated the various operating systems and managed aspects like scheduling and security to create sophisticated, virtual computers. Grid computing, remains confined more to the research community and is a sign of utility-style data processing services made feasible by the Internet. Peer-to-peer computing that enables unrelated users to dedicate portions of their computers to cooperative processing via the Internet, is a related phenomenon used mostly by consumers and businesses. This harnesses a potentially large quantity of computing power in the…show more content…
Grid related technologies can change the way organizations deal with multifaceted computational problems. Many Grids are constructed by using clusters or traditional parallel systems as their nodes. For example, the World-Wide Grid, used in evaluating the Gridbus technologies and applications, has many nodes that are clusters. Cluster Computing is made up of multiple interconnected independent nodes that co-operatively work together as a single unified resource and unlike grids, cluster resources are owned by a single organisation and are managed by a centralized resource management and scheduling system that manages allocation of resources to application

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