Everyday Use Maggie Character Analysis

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No two people are the same and this is no different for sisters Dee, and Maggie.These siblings are night and day when it comes to their personalities, motivations and point of views. “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker highlighted these girls polar opposite realities and perceptions throughout their lives. From an early age they have taken different approaches to similar things and both go about seeing their heritage in contrasting lights. Culture can be viewed in multiple ways, but Dee and Maggie's perceptions seem to collide. While Maggie and Dee are related by blood, they share many differences when it comes to their personalities. Dee, the oldest sister has always been outgoing, confident and even condescending. Maggie, who was raised…show more content…
Mama describes Maggie as small and fragile, “She will stand hopelessly in corners, homely and ashamed...”(p.46, par.2). In contrast, Dee goes to school away from her family and when she returns home with a constant confident attitude and greed for material things.…show more content…
Dee arrives with a polaroid camera and insists on taking photographs of her family in front of their house. She greets her mom with an African greeting and states she changed her name. Dee continues expressing how disgusted she is by her name, Dee, as she was “named after the people who oppress [her].” It is clear that her new demeanor does not result in a friendlier Dee but instead reveals her true motivation. Dee asks for items her family still use day to day as she sees her family as artifacts in a museum. She insists on taking a butter churner and later even stays persistent about keeping the family quilts. Her new sense of pride in her culture begins to hurt her family. She stays adamant about framing her family's quilts for herself. On the other hand, Maggie feels closer to her immediate family and sees the practical use of these items as well as the sentimental value. She plans on using the quilts when married and continuing her life as it is. Maggie's motivations seem pure and simple compared to her sisters. She wants to continue to quilt and live life how she currently is. She has spent her life cleaning with her Mom and working on the house and her motivations continue the

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