Everyday Use By Alice Walker Summary

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Sisters In “Everyday Use,” Alice Walker introduces us to two very different sisters. When thinking about family we often think of them being close nit and having similar traits, but that isn’t the case for Dee and Maggie. Their mother and narrator of the story, Mrs. Johnson, doesn’t describe one thing they have in common. They are like night and day, which is strange considering they grew up together. Their differences far outnumber their similarities. Their appearances, personalities, and even way of life differ drastically. Both Dee and Maggie were raised by their mother, Mrs. Johnson. This is one of the only similarities you can find that they share. They both grew up together in the same poverty stricken household, and had to deal with the consequences of it. Their house is often described as nothing more than a shack, and you see how hard life must have been for them and still is for Maggie. Another similarity is that they both want the quilts, which ends up becoming a major turning point in the story. One of the big differences between them, is how their appearances differ. Mrs. Johnson at point thinks about how lighter Dee is than Maggie, “with nicer hair and a fuller figure” (7). Maggie was also burned as a child, and as a result has…show more content…
Dee comes off as confident and sure of herself. She has always strived for a better life. Even as a youth she tried to appear more important than her station in life allowed. She has always endjoyed being stylish, and did whatever she could to have nice things. Sometimes you get the feeling her mother is jealous of her for this. Maggie, though, is described as shy, unattractive, and not very smart. “Like good looks and money, quickness passed her by,” is how Mrs. Johnson thinks of her (8). She has no desire to standout like Dee, and wears unremarkable clothes. This is also, because she and her mother don’t have much. They don’t worry about such things, whereas Dee

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