Euthyphro Pious Analysis

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In Plato’s Euthyphro, multiple definitions of pious arise throughout a heated discussion among Euthyphro (a self-proclaimed authority of Greek religion) and Socrates (a wise man who questions everything told to him). Introducing my essay based on the second definition in the readings, Euthyphro states “What’s loved by the gods is pious, and what’s not loved by the gods is impious.”(Euth 7a). Considering this, my interpretation is if the gods, love your actions, then it’s considered as pious, leaving actions that are unloved impious. Euthyphro gives an example of an action that would be impious “But, Socrates, I think of this part, at least, none of the gods do differ--- that anyone who has acted unjustly killed another should be punished.”(Euth 8c). Regarding this quote, my take on it is that even though the gods quarrel, an injustice as killing someone is viewed as impious to all of the gods.…show more content…
A definition that is not based off an example rather than a single characteristic. Thus, Socrates criticism of this definition is "Then, according to your account, my noble Euthyphro, different sets of gods, too, consider different things to be just, or fine or shameful, or good or bad. For if they didn't differ about these, they wouldn't quarrel, would they?"(Euth 7e). The meaning in this quote is that different gods consider different things to be good and bad or pious and impious. Speaking about this, Socrates continues by saying if all the gods agreed on what they believed is pious and impious, consequently there would be no quarreling between the gods. Which was earlier identified to be a trait of the gods.Showing that one thing a god may love another god can hate. It’s narrower compared to the first definition given since this one is broken down into two categories. However. Socrates is left unsure about what characteristic would be identified as pious leaving the definition still to

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