Ethos Pathos And Logos In Oedipus The King

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To begin with, Oedipus utilizes logos to justify stabbing his eyes. The Chorus accuses Oedipus, “How can I say you’ve chosen for the best? / Better to die than be alive and blind” (Sophocles 1497-98). The Chorus believes that Oedipus should have suicided instead of making himself blind. Oedipus retaliates, “What I did was best- don’t lecture me, / no more advice. I, with my eyes, / how could I look my father in the eyes / when I go down to death? Or mother, so abused… / I have done such things to the two of them, / crimes too huge for hanging” (Sophocles 1499-1503). Oedipus argues with the logic that his actions were too horrific for suicide to be a sufficient solution. He finds it more satisfying to be blind to his crimes. It is ironic that Oedipus sees things rationally now when he is physically blind, whereas when he could physically see, he was often blind to pure reason. For example, Oedipus ignored Creon’s attempts to prove his innocence using logos. Similarly, Tiresias is physically blind, but he can spiritually see more than others. Sophocles may have been attempting to establish that the ability of sight does not give us the ability to see what is right, rather the loss of sight often aids us to see what is right.…show more content…
Oedipus begs Creon, “Do one thing more, for your sake, not mine” (Sophocles 1569). Oedipus uses pathos to make it seem as though Creon will be the only one benefiting from this, whereas in reality, Oedipus is the one who wants to be exiled. Oedipus attempts to persuade Creon that Oedipus’ wish is Creon’s desire. Similarly, many advertisements use pathos to make it seem as though the product will only benefit the consumer, whereas in reality, the manufacturer is making millions in revenue. The manufacturer wishes for the consumer to buy the product. Buying the product then becomes the consumer’s

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