How Does Tiresias Use Ethos Pathos Logos In Antigone

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The Prophet’s Proclamation In Antigone, a tragedy by Sphocles, Teiresias uses pathos, logos, and ethos to create a compelling argument, thereby revealing to Creon his own hubris and oblivion to the consequences of his actions. In his long-winded speech, Teiresias uses a mixture of anectdotes, religious beliefs, emotions, and reasoning to express the gods’ disapproval of Creon’s actions. Teiresias’ gruesome, vivid language evokes seriousness and fear throughout the passage. By expressing how “[the gods] are gorged with the thick blood of the dead” (scene 5.31-32), Teiresias’ grotesque description evokes emotions of suffering and possible revenge by using words like “thick blood” and “gorged.” In addition, Teiresias uses logos, reasoning Creon

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