Ethiopian Immigrants: A Case Study

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Ethiopians Many challenges arose while conducting group therapy with the Ethiopian immigrants. To begin with, there was a language barrier between the group leader and the members. As a consequence, the group leader had to rely on other members who spoke the language to translate the meetings. The Second challenge can come from working with members from different regions of Ethiopia. Also, not having a solid cultural understanding of the group members poses a challenge to group therapy. The article outlines a special issue in regards to the Ethiopian immigrants. It goes to say, “One challenge is to bolster the self-esteem of diverse minority populations.”(site) There are not currently any best practices or future areas of research in the article concerning the Ethiopian immigrants. To be an effective group leader one should have had quality training. The leader who worked with the Ethiopians had an issue when it came to the language. He/she did not speak the language of the group members. Therefore, this could lead to a possible ethical issue. Also, by mixing members of different ethnic backgrounds together poses a possible ethical issue. Russians…show more content…
For some populations, it has to be adapted to one’s particular culture. As with any group of immigrants, there are possible strengths or challenges to using group treatments. Dealing with the Russian immigrants was no different. One challenge in using treatment with Russian immigrants is they were not comfortable with an American group leader. Many of the immigrants are suspicious and cautious when it comes to authority and counseling services.(site) This is a special issue when dealing with immigrant populations. To meet the needs of this group, a special program was created. Following, is a list of four principles that can be identified as best practices for the

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