Ethics: Approaching Moral Decisions Analysis

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In Ethics: Approaching Moral Decisions by Arthur F. Holmes, the author attempts to break down four ethical models, consisting of cultural relativism, emotivist ethics, ethical egoism, and utilitarianism with a focus on Christianity. Reaction Paper #3 Cultural Relativism The first ethical model that Holmes discusses is cultural relativism which “is the view that moral beliefs and practices vary with and depend on the human needs and social conditions of particular cultures, so that no moral beliefs can be universally true” (p.19). All cultures have different moral beliefs. What might be culturally wrong in one society could have no effect on another. Customs and practices differ among societies. In the Jewish Orthodox culture, men…show more content…
26). The way people express themselves and the language they use can be a clear sign of their moral beliefs. There are many platforms in today’s society that get people in heated arguments and debates. Topics such as gun control, capital punishment, foreign affairs, and the Keystone Pipeline bring out strong emotions and attitudes that an individual has on certain issues. A person’s tone of voice can drastically change the point that they are attempting to make. “God thundered from Sinai when he gave Israel the Law” (Holmes, p. 30). Was this because God had already seen the actions of Aaron at the base of Mt. Sinai? One of His laws was already being broken before He even had the chance to give them to…show more content…
35). There is a large part of American culture that is very egotistical. Big-money corporations buy out smaller business owners every day so they can have the upper hand to be ahead of the game. “Can the ethical egoist be trusted to do what is good for others” (Holmes, p. 40)? I would have to say it depends on where their moral compass lies. Do our politicians do what is best for our country or what is best for themselves to climb the political ladder? People might suggest that they are motivated by their own ambitions. “The supreme counter example of course, is Jesus Christ, with His self-giving love” (Holmes, p. 36). In parts of scripture there is legitimate self-interest, but it is balanced by the genuine concern for others because everyone created in the image of God is of equal worth (p.

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