Local Community Ethic

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Ethic of Local Community Wood and Hilton’s (2012) ethic of local community was a conceptual addendum to Shapiro and Stefkovich’s Multiple Ethics Paradigm (2013). The additional paradigm focuses on outcomes which best serve the community and “adhere to the notion that society relies upon the interdependence of the people within. This perspective suggests that community members must recognize and carry out community responsibilities to maintain social order” (Wood & Hilton, 2012, p. 207). The ethic of local community is a holistic approach to situate the follower's course of action to qualify, and resonate with, local community experiences and values. A leader adeptly communicates the local community’s will to configure compatibility between…show more content…
Ethical leadership is a heuristic and holistic process at once intersubjective and interdependent. Ethical leadership negotiates the liminal spaces of self and social identity, of moral agency and community. An ethical leader deftly reads into discursive practices and co-constructively designs morally conducive environments by reforming ecologies indicative of an individual’s sense of mutuality. Ethical interventions work to: (i) generate common ground through intersubjective liminal spaces and follower interdependency to heuristically nourish it; and (ii) foster moral agency that holistically aligns with communal…show more content…
The following case study epitomises how a leader in ethical interventional contexts develops followership. The curiosity is how Ibn Ali Miller, a stranger to brawling youth, intervened to inverse ethicality and mutuality toward positive dimensions. Miller transformed himself from stranger to leader and the youths from adversaries to
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