Essay On Women In Tartuffe

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In society, women have been discriminated against, they are best represented through their movements to gain women’s rights as well as through literature. They are represented as living meaningless lives while men play an active role in society. The women represented in Tartuffe are shown as being strong characters each displaying different characteristics of feminism. As depicted by Moliere and Isben both depict women playing active roles in literature, in a male driven era. One of the outspoken protagonist character’s in Tartuffe, is Dorine, she depicts a strong female character who is passionate about others, she asserts the power that she holds as a servant in a positive way, and the authors that portray these assertive female characters. POINT 1 A: Dorine’s passion is driven to protect Lady Mariane, from…show more content…
Hedda is uninterested by her husband George Tesman, whom she married because he seemed to offer her an opportunity to help keep her social standings high. When it came to her love for George Tesman in Act 2 Hedda says, “Love? Don’t be absurd” (Ibsen, Hedda, pg 811). Normally in a marriage love needs to be present, Hedda chose to marry not for love but to maintain her social status which is seen as being self-indulgent. She also defined love in Act 2 as being “A syrupy word,” (Isben, pg 802).Hedda is different when it comes to marriage, she finds the idea of becoming pregnant, remaining a faithful wife, and loving mother as repelling. She does not want to be seen as having female emotions, and shields herself as being portrayed as one. In Act 2 in a discussion with Judge Hedda says this about marriage, “I had positively danced myself tired, my dear Judge my day was done (Isben, pg 802). Hedda proposes that she married Tesman because she was required to, and that was what women of her day were doing. Her single life was up as referred to by

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