Essay On Wearable Technology

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Definition of Wearable Technology: The terms “wearable” or “wearable technology“ refers to electronic technologies or computers that are incorporated into items of apparel and accessories which can comfortably be worn on the body. Wearable patterns can be performed with computers, Laptop and Smartphone; nevertheless, in some cases, wearable technology can outperform these hand-held machines totally. Wearable technology guards to be again complicated than hand-held technology on the exchange today being it can give sensory besides scanning peculiarity nay normally seen in migratory also laptop inventions, such as biofeedback furthermore tracking of physiological activity. Contents of Wearable Devices? Wearable technology will have some form of communications capability and will allow the wearer access to information in real time. Name of the wearable devices • Watches • Glasses • contact lenses • e-textiles and smart fabrics • headbands • beanies and caps • jewellery such as rings, bracelets Limitations in Wearable Development Having end-to-end expertise for product development is tough asks and there are very few organizations which can…show more content…
The company’s around-the-clock on-body monitors utilize proprietary technology to capture data used by consumers as well as health and wellness professionals to guide behavioural changes to help control weight and promote an active lifestyle – two factors that are routinely cited as keys to combat and manage serious medical conditions. BodyMedia technology has been used in over 100 clinical research studies covering health issues such as obesity, COPD, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, cancer, bariatric, sleep and intensive care. The company was founded in 1999 and is now a wholly owned subsidiary of AliphCom dba Jawbone, creators of human-centered wearable technology like the UP

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