Surrealism Artwork

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Surrealism Artwork Analysis Surrealism, is the literary and artistic movement that captured the imagination of the artists ideas and it is shaped up by the developing theories of our perception of reality. Surrealism artwork is presented weird and has unexpected juxtaposition. It poses a lot of questions throughout the art which makes the audience thoroughly think and analyze what the actual definition and message is. There are many great pieces of art that are using certain aspects of surrealism. The three pieces that are presented and analyzed are: The Treachery of Images (1929) by Rene Magritte. Secondly, The Persistence of Memory (1931) by Salvador Dali. Lastly, The Son of Man (1964) by Rene Magritte. These are only a few gems out in the…show more content…
Right below the pipe there is a text written: Ceci n'est pas une pipe. This is written in French and the actual meaning of the text is "this is not a pipe". This piece of art is a great example of surrealism because it causes a paradox. Magritte's intention and goal is to see how the human mind reacts and organizes the information received. When the audience sees the painting they automatically assume that it is a pipe. That is where the human mind leads us as wrong. We fall in the misperception of "The Treachery of Images". Us being humans, our minds will lead us to whatever they see important and obvious first and we will leave out the small details given to us. Also, the text written in the painting is reading "this is not a pipe" in French. This is certainly not a pipe, it is a painting and giving a visual representation of a pipe. Magritte presents the audience with a three part way of human understanding: liberation, imagination, and a resemblance. First off, we assume that the painting is a pipe however we do not realize it is a painting first then a pipe within the painting. That is part of our liberation and imagination skills because we come to a conclusion that the artwork is just a painting, not an actual pipe. The moral presented in this piece of art is that we use the same thinking and analyzing skills to come to a conclusion and we use the same process to…show more content…
In his painting, The Persistence of Memory (1931), Dali presents the audience with an image of four clocks melting away in an area that seems to be a desert. This image raises many questions in the readers minds to figure out what is going in the image. This is a key aspect of surrealism and its purpose is to keep the reader thinking and analyzing to what the meaning and definition can be to this piece of art. Surrealism can be compared to dreaming. When one dreams, sometimes it can be any place, any person, any object and etc. in a dream state. This is comparable to surrealism because it tends to be very weird and presents an inaccurate visual. The painting seems to be in a dream state in a random area with random objects such as the four clocks. If the audience looks at the art through the perspective of a dream, the clocks aren't any ordinary clocks, they are flat and seem to be melting away. When we are awake, we have the power over time because we know what to do at what time and we can easily manage time and have complete control over it. On the other hand, when we are sleeping and are in a dreaming state, we have no power or control over time and it justs melts away. Time is useless in our dreaming state of mind and nobody can control

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