Essay On Terminal Configuration

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TERMINAL CONFIGURATION Although there are many types of terminal configurations currently in use at airports across the United States, the five basic types are given below with a brief description of each. Simple terminal
This configuration consists of one building holding a common ticketing and waiting area with several exits leading to a small aircraft parking apron for boarding. This is used at mainly small aircraft airports and some older large airports. Linear terminal/Curvi linear terminal 
This is simply an extension of the simple terminal concept providing more gates and more room within the terminal for ticketing and passenger processing. Pier finger terminal 
This terminal configuration evolved during the 1950s when gate concourses were added to the simple terminal building designs. A concourse is actually defined as an open space where paths meet.
Passengers are usually processed at the simple terminal location and then routed down a "pier" Where aircraft are parked in the "finger" slots or gates for boarding. 
 Pier satellite terminal/Remote satellite terminal 
This configuration involves a single terminal where all the ticketing and passenger processing takes place. Connected to this are numerous concourses that lead to one or more satellite structures. At the end of each concourse the…show more content…
They operate in the frequency range from 118.0 MHz to 136.975MHz. Seven hundred and twenty separate and distinct channels have been designated in this range with 25 kilohertz spacing between each channel. Further division of the bandwidth is possible, such as in Europe where 8.33 kilohertz separate each VHF communication channel. VHF radios are used for communications between aircraft and air traffic control (ATC), as well as air-to-air communication between aircraft. When using VHF, each party transmits and receives on the same channel. Only one party can transmit at any one

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