Essay On Soil Conservation

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CONTENTS Soil conservation is a combination of practices used in order to protect or reduced the degradation of soils. In order for conservation to happen, the soils must be treated as a living ecosystem by which the process of returning the organic matter to the soil on a continual basis is conducted. Organic matter provides good soil structure and water holding capacity, promotes water infiltration and protects the soil from erosion and compaction. Types of conservation being practised in Asia • Conservation tillage and zero tillage or no-tillage farming The first technique in soil conservation can be used is conservation tillage and zero tillage or no-tillage (refer to Diagram1a & Diagram 1b). What is tillage? Tillage refers to the mechanical operations performed for seedbed preparation and optimum plant growth. Tillage alters the soil tilth and caused significant amounts of erosion. Conservation tillage is one of the examples that reduce the number of tillage operations that maintains residue cover…show more content…
Both of these fertilizers can bring harms not only to the plants but soils when it is excessively applied. Thus the backbone of integrated pest management (IPM) is the crop rotation. By doing so, the pest like rats, squirrel, snakes, grasshoppers and owls are starved to death as the source of food is manipulated. IPM use a natural way to reduce the amounts of pests in the plantation area. One of the ways is by introducing the pest resistant crops and biological controls like the food chains but with a huge amounts of predators. Crop rotation is an alternative to planting a field in the same crop over years. It provides several benefits like reducing the risk of insect and disease infection where on the other hand decrease the pesticide dependency that might affect the fertility of the soils. In the good condition soils, the nitrogen fixing process takes

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