Essay On Silent Speech Interface

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CONVERSION OF LIP MOVEMENT TO SPEECH: AN AID TO PHYSICALLY IMPAIRED AND DUMB PEOPLE Kavya C S, Vidyashree K V G.R.Kiranmayi, Member, IEEE, SIT,Tumakuru, Karnataka, India SIT,Tumakuru, Karnataka, India SIT,Tumakuru, Karnataka, India Abstract- Silent Speech Interface(SSI) has given rise the possibility of speech processing, even in the absence of an intelligible acoustic signal and it has been used as an aid for the dumb person or speech handicapped. A Silent Speech Interface is a device that enables the…show more content…
The lip movements of uttered word are captured using the video camera and analyzed using the algorithm developed in MATLAB. The features are extracted and compared with that of the stored feature vectors that are obtained during training. The uttered letter is detected and control signal is generated to switch ON or OFF the fan. The system is also trained to detect the word WATER. In the system developed webcam is used for capturing of lip movements. For a particular lip movement (word) twenty frames are generated and features are extracted and histograms are obtained for each frame. Average of the histograms are taken and they are trained for the classifier. Here k-Nearest Neighbor classifier are used for the recognition of the speech. Similarly ten different words are trained to the classifier. Each words are trained multiple times and in different ways. Further if a person utters a word in real time, lip movements are captured using webcam and again twenty frames are generated and histograms are obtained for each

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