Essay On Rigoletto

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Rigoletto Playwright: Italian Libretto by Francesco Maria Piave Acts by: Giuseppe Verdi Theme/Genre: Tragedy, Melodrama I. Introduction Is Rigoletto a “great play”?? I have of course been brainwashed to think unreflectively of Verdi’s first of the operatic masterpiece. Verdi’s tragic story of the play can largely be explained that Rigoletto is a play which you can determine how unlucky the life of Rigoletto is, and it’s because of the curse. A curse that is genuinely terrified Rigoletto. Rigoletto was based on the play Le ra S’amuse by Victor Hugo. To someone reading and/or watching Rigoletto for the first time, it will therefore come as something of a shock to discover that his daughter, Gilda, will soon die because of her stupid love to the Duke. Rigoletto tried to fix all of their problems in as long as he can, but how long it will take him to solve the disasters?? At this time you are thinking for what will happen, right?? Then, read the following statements or summary to be able to understand the whole story… II. Thesis Statement and Summary At a large party of dancing in the palace, the Duke has seen an unknown beauty in palace and desires to seduce her. Rigoletto, the Duke’s hunchbacked court jester,…show more content…
And I think this is one of the greatest plays that I have watched ever. Well, as my final conclusion in this story, I think that this was all fault of the curse. The curse truly happened, and so her daughter, Gilda died. The whole story revolves upon Rigoletto and his daughter Gilda. For me Rigoletto did not really solve the problem even with the help of other people, because it is a curse to him by Count Monterone. From the story happened, we can say that the curse truly happened. And nobody can survive this. For me as a reader, I want to recommend Gilda to forget and ignore her love for the Duke. Because she will be soon die. I hope that you will appreciate and love my selected

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