Essay On Reward Of Hope

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In my pursuit towards the reward of hope, I trust that I have sufficient graces from the virtue of hope to encourage me to search for the greater purpose of life. This hope increases with my spiritual progress: from faith to hope, to hope in GOD and hope in the LORD Jesus Christ, to hope for eternal life and hope in salvation. Each level of progress brings with it a richness in itself, so that I may continue in my search in faith towards the better things of life. And I hope to find the answer that will bring me to an extremely happy existence. It is by faith and through the Holy Spirit that I eagerly await the hope of righteousness. Guided by the Holy Spirit, my faithful pursuit in hope of finding joy and peace is directed towards the truth…show more content…
And I want to grow in my personal relationship with Him, so that I can correct all of my sinful ways. I look to Mary, asking her to help me to constantly pray in hope of seeing the face of the LORD Jesus and perfect what is lacking in my faith. As St. Paul asserts, in my continued search for eternal life, I must study the word of GOD and learn that whatever things were written in former days, were written for our instruction. I must embrace them so that by steadfastness and by the encouragement of the scriptures, I might have…show more content…
I know that what I hope for, even though I do not enjoy it right now, I will finally enjoy it and possess it as being present in time when I obtain my salvation. Then I turn to the blessed Mary and ask her to help me always remain alert so that I will not be misled in false hopes that may turn me away from my salvation. I ask her to help me never to forget GOD, lest I perish courtesy of the hope of the godless. I determine to run away from false hopes, and attend to my salvation now while there is still hope, while the grace, mercy and patience of GOD remains
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