Essay On Ganga River

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The Ganges River is one of India’s most important rivers, which runs through northern India and Bangladesh. It originates in the southern Himalayas, approximately 4000 meters above average sea level (Sharma 1) and is 1,557 miles long (Jones). The Ganges River basin covers 419,300 square miles and empties into the Bay of Bengal (Lodrick). This river is a fundamental part of the daily life of all those who live on its basin, as well as those living in all of India. Additionally, water plays a very large part in India’s culture and daily life, such as monsoons, which have the ability to dictate the economic prosperity of many people in the country. Along with being one of the most influential land masses in India, the Ganges River also holds immense religious significance (Jones). In Hinduism specifically, the Ganges River is viewed as the physical representation of Gaṅgā Mātā, or Mother Ganges. It is believed that if one…show more content…
For example, India’s cropping area has increased by 20% (Agarwal). This has caused deforestation to increase, thus inducing an accumulation of silt content in the Ganges River. Because of this, the water levels in it have have changed drastically, with abnormally high water levels during the wet monsoon, and irregularly low water levels during the dry monsoon. (Sharma 4). As a result, the daily lives of the many people who rely on the water from the Ganges River are being impacted by its unnatural water levels. The rains brought by the wet monsoon are essential to the financial prosperity of families and industries centered around agriculture and farming. As a consequence of the abnormal water levels produced by the large amount of silt in the river, many farmers’ crops are dying. This causes the farmers and their animals to starve, as they do not have a way to provide the necessary food and nutrients to their family (Monsoons Impact

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