Essay On Flashbulb Memory

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As human beings, we get to experience many different things day by day, some good while some otherwise. However, we do not get to remember every single detail about what goes on in our daily lives. Usually, the things which remain in our memory are those that have great impact or effect in our lives, regardless whether they be positive or not. This is what we call the “flashbulb memory” wherein one is more likely to store an event once it has an emotional significance on the person (American Psychological Association, 2011). For instance, a person who loves watching movies is more likely to remember a film that made him/her cry, scared, or laugh than a movie which did not really affect him/her emotionally. However, negative emotions are not…show more content…
One of the most common types of mechanisms is repression. Repression is an “unconscious mechanism employed by the ego to keep disturbing or threatening thoughts from becoming conscious”. Another type would be denial wherein one “blocks external events from awareness”. This then leads to a better feeling for an individual whenever he/she experiences something negative about an event (Simply Psychology, 2009). Because of the reinforcement that this feeling of relief brings, people resort to repressing and denying undesirable events that occur in their lives, which leads to them forgetting about the experience all in all. Same goes with society collectively, especially with happenings that can be considered as negative and traumatic to the Filipinos. This act of remembering and forgetting, some of which has occurred in the history of the Philippines, more or less defines a Filipino. This is a result of what people choose to remember and not to remember about their history which says something about their identity both as an individual and as a nation. This identity is shaped by institutions such as a person’s family, education, the church, and the

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