Essay On Divorce In The Middle East

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Divorce and its causes in the Middle East “The decision to end a relationship can be traumatic, chaotic, and filled with contradictory emotions” (“Psychological and Emotional Aspects of Divorce” by Kathleen O'Connell Corcoran June 1997). Commitments doesn’t usually last long. The divorce rate in middle eastern countries and areas has been increasing for more than a century, either it’s in Kuwait, UAE, Saudi Arabia, or any country in that area. In fact, between the year (2000-2014) the rate of divorce in the middle east reached up to 87%. In the modern world (2016) to be exact, nothing has changed. Divorce ratings are continuing to raise. Even Psychologist believe that some of the things that are causing divorce in the middle east are: cheating problems, forced marriages, and marrying at a…show more content…
Marrying at a young age have a lot of consequences, and it works as a contribution to divorce. And many girls mainly in the middle east, think about marriage at a young age and without knowing nor understanding marriage properly. They have no idea and they are not in the right age to raise a family nor have responsibilities. Marrying at a young age comes with a lot of problems. For example: abuse, in a relationship problems happen and its normal but what’s not normal is abuse and major fights that can happen between the couples, which can lead to major injuries. Another thing is health problems. And girls that are married to older husbands are at a risk of childbirth that is early, and the couple may transmit various diseases. Also, when marrying at a young age, a financial problem could easily face the married couple, one of the reasons for that can be lack of knowledge, or even not having enough capabilities to get a proper job or work that can improve the married couple’s future financially. And these what makes marrying at a young age a bad example of a proper marriage. And its one of the causes of

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