Essay On Danforth's 'The Miseducation Of Cameron Post'

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The novel The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Emily M. Danforth relates to the article “Internalised Homophobia” by the Rainbow Project. The novel focuses on a young Cameron Post as she deals with her sexuality while being surrounded by religious enthusiasts, that project their homophobia onto her. Cameron, while, dealing with her own confusion internally, must also bear in mind the pressure her faith places on her and, as well, the discrimination her town places on those with sexaulities that do no comply with their “morals”. Cameron plummets into a spiral of self-doubt while finding herself falling for a friend of her’s, Coley Taylor, who is very attached to her boyfriend, Brett. Cameron began to narrate internally on her emotions on Coley by saying, “By that point she and Brett had adopted me as some kind of tag-along kid sister, despite our being the same age.…show more content…
This action is actually common in those dealing with their sexulaity and, according to the Rainbow Project, is known as internal homophobia. The Project writes under their signs for internal homophobia, “Being attracted to unavailable: an example may be a gay man who happens to ‘be in love with a friend who’s straight’” (Rainbow

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