Essay About Immigration In The 1970s

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The United States are recognized worldwide as a land of immigrants and immigration. In fact, its history and its sociology are marked by over 400 years of immigration. Throughout these years of immigration, four major periods are to remember. Respectively, it was the settlement of the original colonies, the expansion of the Union to the West in the mid 19th century, and the economic boom at the turn of the 20th century. The fourth significant period began in the early 1970s with a slight change in the late 1980s and continued to this day. These peak period have always been the emanation of new policies and legislation on immigration. The changes during the 1970s and 1980s were due to Hart-Celler Act and the Simpson-Mazzoli Act respectively. The Hart-Celler Act was enacted in 1965 after the effects of the civil-rights movement and the Kennedy era. This amendment of the Immigration and Nationality Act abolished the national origins quota…show more content…
Indeed, the first debates on illegal immigration arose during the 1970s. This new phenomenon was partially the effects of the Cold War. But, it was much more due to the termination of the program that favored the recruitment of agricultural workers from Mexico during World War II (Bracero program). Illegal immigration was done in the South through the borders with Mexico and in the North through the borders with Canada. By the mid-1980s, almost five million people were living illegally on the US territory. Therefore, to address the problem, the Congress voted the Simpson-Mazzoli Act also known as the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) in 1986. One of the main points of this Act was the requirement for the employers to report the immigration status of their employees. The idea was that without the employment opportunities for illegal immigrants, the newcomers would be discouraged. However, the expected results of this Act have not been

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