Essay About Guidance Counseling

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INTRODUCTION Situation Analysis The youth is the future of our society. But with the kind of environment we have now, which is what we call the “techy-world”, would it still be possible, if nowadays they are being associated with different crimes, delinquencies and misbehaviors? Adolescents display different forms of outlandish behavior. They are not just carefree novelty seekers and risk takers, but they are also uniquely vulnerable to anxiety and have a hard time learning to be unafraid of passing dangers (Friedman, 2014). Unfortunately, some of the risks that adolescents pursue may create a real threat to their holistic individuality. It is said that the family is the basic unit of the society and the first source of values;hence, the family plays a vital role in molding a child to become a fully functioning individual.As enacted into law under the Family Code of the Philippines found in Chapter 3 Article 220, the parents shall hold their duties and responsibilities to their unemancipated children, such as giving them love and affection, advice and counsel, companionship and understanding; and to furnish them with good and wholesome, educational materials, supervise their…show more content…
No longer can guidance counselors or school counselors simply make sure students are in the right classes or just work with the troubled students or clients. The guidance counselors’ attitude, effectiveness being accepted in good faith is no longer valid (Myrich, 2003b). It is now part of the school counselor identity to be accountable to others the effectiveness of the program in measurable terms (Brott, 2006, p. 179). Furthermore, guidance counselors are expected to “fix all types of behavioral and learning problems of students from varied cultural backgrounds (Fall, 2001 a.p. 316), while addressing each student as a unique entity (Roberts & Mills, 2009), according to a research of Eric Davis,

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