Celtic Tiger Analysis

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The aim of this essay is to explore the political and economic aspects of managing the Celtic Tiger in regards to two of Andrew Heywood’s rival views or interpretations of liberal democracy. The two that were chosen were Marxism and Pluralism which both contain very contrasting views. The central belief of Marxism is the conflict theory in regards to the class structure and the central belief of pluralism is centred on the diversity within a political body. The first section of the essay will give a brief description of the Celtic Tiger in regards elements that helped create the economy such as foreign direct investment and aspects that were created by the Celtic Tiger. Following this the essay will look at Marxism and its theories such as…show more content…
He is well known as the father of Communism and is also known for his views against Capitalism. His theories about politics sociology and economics was known as Marxism this theory believed that societies depend on class struggle which is a conflict between the working class known as the proletariats and the ruling class known as the bourgeoisie. He used this methodology to analyse capitalism. Marx believed that the division between classes would become so great that the capitalist society would fall. This would eventually lead to the creation of a communist style society without class and state…show more content…
According to Marx theory the workers are working for their keep and the only way of holding onto that keep is to work and be loyal to the bourgeoisie and supplying them with profit. Thus this creates a circle, the capitalists need the workers to exploit so that they can make profit and the workers need the capitalists to supply them with work in order to live (Milios, 2000) The labour theory of value is usually associated with Marxism this theory believed that the value of a good or service is determined by the amount of labour needed to produce it. However in a capitalist society the capitalists make more money from selling the goods and services that the workers produce than the workers cost to buy thus allowing the capitalists to take surplus value from the workers and take in profits. Marx believed that the workers were exploited in the capitalist society and it was because of this exploitation that the capitalists were able to make a profit. Although during the boom the wages did increase the workforce were made to work much longer hours but yet this wasn’t considered exploitation as the workforce were being paid the correct wage. His views however did not hold up with society at the time. One aspect associated with Marx communist view was a central planned economy he believed that central planning by the government was key to a successful economy although even with a central planned economy not

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