Epic Of Gilgamesh

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The Epic of Gilgamesh was a book written by the ancient Sumerians in about 2000 BCE. After the Sumerian empire fell, it was lost in the desert of the Middle East until it was found in 1853. It was translated from cuneiform, and they found an excellent piece of literature about the importance of life and the strength of the human race. Since cuneiform was the world’s first written language, this was the first story ever written. The main character in the book is Gilgamesh, who is an all powerful, god-like creature who is king of the city of Uruk. He befriends someone who is equal to him in strength, and they set out on a quest. His friend dies, and he becomes a fearful leader who wanders the forests looking for immortality. In the Epic of Gilgamesh,…show more content…
This was right after his failed quest, and he was feeling defeated and helpless “Then Gilgamesh sat down and wept, down his cheeks the tears were coursing (The Epic of Gilgamesh, XI 308-309).” He was standing with Uta-napishti’s servant, and they were looking at his city, wondering what to do next. Gilgamesh has his stunning revelation, and tells the servant to climb the walls and survey the city. He realizes his city will last a very long time with the people being there to keep it standing and fight to defend it. If it is torn down by their enemies, they will just build a new one and keep surviving. “O Ur-shanabi, climb Uruk’s wall & walk back & forth. Survey its foundation, examine the brickwork (The Epic of Gilgamesh, XI 325 - 326)! In this quote, Gilgamesh uses an exclamation point at the end, and that is the first time he has been happy in a very long time. This is the first time he has been truly happy without Enkidu, and that he finally moved on. Even after he dies, his city will reflect his strength and fearlessness as a…show more content…
When Enkidu died, Gilgamesh felt as though half of himself had been taken away from him. Enkidu was like a brother to him, and he was the only one who understood his strength and could help him. After his death, Gilgamesh went into a deep state of depression and did a lot of things without reason. “My god has taken against me, my friend, . . . , (The Epic of Gilgamesh, VII 263). After doing everything in his god-like power to prevent his death, Gilgamesh realizes he can’t avoid it so he just embraces it. Enkidu was his other half, and when he was taken away, he felt incomplete. When he is going back to the city, he realized he needed to be a better leader to the people. If he wanted to have his legacy carried on and be remembered forever, he should use what he had learned from Enkidu. Some of the traits Enkidu had were never backing down “Why, my friend, [do you] speak like a weakling (The Epic of Gilgamesh, V 100)?”, standing up for what you believe in “Enkidu with his foot blocked the door of the wedding house, not allowing Gilgamesh to enter (The Epic of Gilgamesh II 111-112).”, and being kind to people. If Gilgamesh can find rediscover Enkidu inside of himself and use that to improve as a leader, he will overcome his greatest fear of not being

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