Epic Of Gilgamesh Analysis

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Analyzing Mesopotamian Society through Earliest Literary Work The Epic of Gilgamesh transpires in ancient Mesopotamia, and revolves around the life of the main character; named Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh is disliked by the denizens of Uruk for how he mistreats everyone and takes everything for himself. The gods hear the populace of Uruk grousing about the misdeeds of Gilgamesh, in response they fabricate another divine human being who is just as adept and puissant as Gilgamesh, named Enkidu. When Enkidu and Gilgamesh meet, Enkidu blocks the doorway of wedding house from Gilgamesh, and they initially grapple with each other, but both fighters admire each others courage and soon forge a formidable friendship. When Enkidu dies of a mysterious illness, Gilgamesh goes on the search for immortality because his only fear is death, but dies anyway in the end. From the Epic of Gilgamesh, the belief in polytheistic and interconnected Gods, humans who are also part God,…show more content…
After Gilgamesh and Enkidu forge an alliance and execute Humbaba, Ishtar, the goddess of love proposes to Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh insultingly rejects the proposal made by Ishtar . Tears are streaming off of Ishtar's face and she is very upset, hence she acquires the Bull of Heaven from her father and unleashed it on the citizens of Uruk. Instantly, several hundred casualties are the result of the bull “When they reached the gates of Uruk the bull went down into the river; with his first snort cracks opened in the Earth, and a hundred men fell down to Earth. With the second snort crack opened and two hundred fell down to Earth (p 12). This excerpt explicates how within a few moments of the bull of heaven being summoned to Earth, several hundred casualties had already resulted. Therefore, the bull of heaven is likely a creature that was feared by many within ancient Mesopotamian
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