English Writing: The Future Imperfect Momentary Tense

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The future imperfect momentary tense states things proposed or anticipated to be done in future. It is the simple future tense. Example: I shall publish this book this year. We shall write to inform you about her plans. She will marry you. The future imperfect continuous tense indicates that an act contemplated in future necessarily has to continue within a span of time and cannot last momentarily. Example: I shall be writing to you when their decision is known. The secretary will be going on leave shortly. The future perfect momentary tense (I shall have written) may be merely formal. So also may be the future perfect continuous tense (He will have been writing/I shall have been writing. These two tenses are rarely used formally…show more content…
Words are the means by which we express ourselves in any language. The total of all words forming a language constitutes the vocabulary of that language. Thus the collection of words over which a person has command in any language is that person’s vocabulary. However, to have command over a word presupposes that one knows the meaning and the use of the word and can exercise a choice of its use in any classification both in writing and in speech. For this reason, you cannot be said to have got command over a word when you are not sure of its meaning, its other classified forms and its use in all its forms. However when you are able to get acquainted with all this then that word properly forms part of your…show more content…
Most words provide us with shades of meanings and their exact meanings are only possibly noted in the contexts in which they occur. In some cases one word may mean different things or have different meanings in different contexts while in other cases two or more words may have a similar or the same shade of meaning in isolation. Such words are said to be synonymous. But even then synonyms may not necessarily mean exactly the same. They are most of the time only connoting a similar shade of idea and one of them is always more appropriate in expressing one or the other thought than the other. In other words, two synonyms cannot express the same idea in exactly satisfactory manner on all occasions or in every circumstance. The writer has therefore a duty to know which word is most appropriate in conveying the idea and the circumstance to the reader. This compels the writer to understand the word thoroughly and not hazily. It is important not only because some words have several facets and therefore can be manipulated but also because neologisms are still being formed in English. There are also many derivatives from other words or from other

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