Edward Hopper: Nighthawks 1942

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Title: Edward Hopper, Nighthawks 1942 Author: Natalia Betancur Henao Introduction: Edward Hopper was born on July 22 1882 in New York he studied in an art school until 1990. Afterwards he switched to painting and studied at the NYSA under Robert Henri. He traveled to Europe many times and he was influenced mainly by realists: Diego Velazquez, Francisco de Goya along with Honore Daumier. He was introduced to all these artists by his professors during his time in schooling. In 1925 Edward Hoppers painted House by the Railroad which was a landmark. His work brought out different shapes and sizes. In his paintings for a while it brought out a feeling of loneliness and an eerie effect. Hopper continued to work in this style for the rest of his life changing it but never leaving it. Most of his paintings portray scenes in NY or New England. Edward Hopper died on May 15 of 1967 in New York. Description: (Art Processes) Edward…show more content…
To me it seems late at night because it is very dark out and there is barely anyone in the diner or even out of the diner. One of the most distinct things I see about this is that it has a lot of value. It is nighttime but on the inside of the diner it is pretty bright. There are shadows from the inside to the outside by the lights, this creates value. What caught my attention about this painting were the really dark spaces on the left and the brightness of the diner on the right of the painting. Conclusion To sum everything up, Edward Hopper although he is not quite recognized as a widely famous artist versus Van Gogh or Picasso he is very much so thought of as a great example of a 20th century artist. His simple and yet captivating use of color and value along with depth and placement of people or things are very well thought out in his paintings and it really makes people feel as if they are there in that specific time or place of the image(s) that he shows

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