Amontillado” is a story by Edgar Allan Poe that delves into the mind of the protagonist, Montresor. Montresor’s internal conflicts with his past-friend and antagonist of the story, Fortunato (who is later killed by his friend), decides to murder his life-long friend for an unknown reason. Fortunato angered Montresor in someway that triggered Montresor’s need to kill his friend. Montresor’s personality is very cut-throat, and he remains that way all throughout the story. With that trait, it is common for
Amontillado”, by Edgar Allan Poe, there is a character named Fortunato. I chose to write about three of his traits that he has that makes him unique. The three traits I found intriguing about him was he is a bit of a bully, he is kind of stupid, and last but not least he is full of himself, he is kind of selfish. I chose Fortunato because he resembles a jock in an old high school movie. Fortunato resembling a dumb jock really drew me into the story. Fortunato is a bully. Fortunato is considered
A12). In the short story "Cask of Amontillado," Edgar Allan Poe uses symbolism to establish the true meaning of revenge behind this story. In short, this story is based upon an act of revenge carried out by Montresor over Fortunato. Montresor lures Fortunato into “the catacombs of the Montresors” where he carries out his plan of revenge by ultimately killing Fortunato (Poe, 109). The incorporation of the precise decision of the title, the character names and the settings illustrates the profound