Personal Narrative: Capturing The Flag

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It was fourth grade and we were all excited to go to Dylan’s deer camp up north, however this year we wouldn't have came if we knew what was going to happen. This haunting day is full of capture the flag, lost people in the forest, finding my brother,and finding our way back to the camp. This is the first year my clueless and curious brother came, the one thing we all learned after this trip is curiosity kills. Our class loved playing capture the flag. So when everybody finally got there, we decided to play capture the flag. Once we got done arguing about the teams, we started in an open, grassy area, surrounded by miles and miles of wooded area. Not five minutes into our game we started to argue and eventually everyone quit. Then back in my mind a thought wanders around, “where is my brother, where is Ryan’? I bolted to the cabin to tell my dad, who was talking with the other parents, to tell him Ryan had gone missing. When I told him he was not amused. About half about half of the parents and kids stayed at the cabin and the other half went with me and my dad. Then we set off in the dark, congested forest to find my long lost brother.…show more content…
In an instant I knew it was Ryan and his friend roaming around the gigantic forest. We all heard it and pointed to where we heard it, but there was one problem, we all pointed in different directions. The vague sound played again, we then decided where it came from. We ran and ran until it became louder and louder. Then we heard something rattle in the bushes, it was Ryan. We were all relieved when he came out of the bushes. We all celebrated, mission accomplished, we all thought. There was one problem, how were we going to get

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