Economic Development

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The railroads played a important role in the economic and social development of the United States for about 100 years. The rail transport infrastructure gives impact to the community at the local area. The development of railroads can increase the employment opportunities at the local area. For example, at the Michigan, costs of the railroads construction about $10,000,000 and will affect to the creation of new jobs that estimated 90 to 140 jobs. These development provides benefit to community because the increase employment and at the same time, the number of unemployment can be decrease. In Malaysia, the rail transport infrastructures also give benefits to the community same like the foreign country. The numbers of population are increased…show more content…
Agriculture and livestock keeping are the major activities have been founded in communities living around the railway line. Other economic activities are small commercial activities like petty trading. Agriculture is the main activity and most of the people in communities living neighboring to the railway line involve in farming for both subsistence and cash crops. The main food crops are paddy, maize, beans, cassava, sweet potatoes, vegetables, fruit and bananas while the main of cash crops are sisal, sugar cane, rice, maize, and sunflower. Maize is the major food for foreign country community but in Malaysia the major food is rice. Another economic activity undertaken by the village especially along the railway line is livestock keeping. For example, like keeping cattle, goats, sheep and poultry. In Malaysia, the main livestock is beef. Now, the number of livestock especially keeping beef has increased. All of these influence to the community which is they can increase the income level with sold of the all of the economic activities like agriculture and livestock keeping using rail transport. So, the development of railroad have significant role to the community to increase the income…show more content…
Both men and women derive more advantages from the railway services, like as small businesses at train terminals. A good example exists at Itigi, Manyoni, Saranda and Kilosa, where the number of people engaged in various activities to make a living by hawking. Malaysia also same, as we see the number of retail at the Arau Station has growth. However, there also disadvantages through to the availability of the rail transport, as it stimulates charcoal making, thus increasing degradation, illegal wood selling due to the market for it, and the spread of HIV based on increased social interaction. But in Arau station, these issued has been low than the central of country like Kuala Lumpur. Nevertheless, there are numerous benefits than negative impacts. So, it is important to provide sensitization and make awareness among train railway staff at railway stations and in local communities living along the railway line on HIV/AIDS
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