Small Business In Bangladesh

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To scrutinize the impact of different category (small, medium and large) of business on the total business growth in Bangladesh we consider the regression model. The results are given in Table 06. It is observed that the small business play most significant role for increasing the growth of total business in Bangladesh. If one unit increases the small business the total business will 1.359 times spread across the country and the effect of medium business is less than the small business but more than the large business. If the medium business increases in one unit, the growth of total business will 1.162 times higher in the country. On the other hand, large business has the negative impact on the total business growth. If the large business…show more content…
These are reflected in the following performance /activities of this sector: • SME accounts for around 30% of the total GDP in Bangladesh which is huge in sense of one sector contribution. • Among the total labour force, 25% are in SME sector. As a result, this sector is a dominant sector for creating jobs. • SME sector helps to reduce the poverty, enhance the level of income among the rural people and encourage agro-industrial linkage in Bangladesh. • SME sector involves lower infrastructure facilities, lower energy supply and this sector imposes fewer environmental risk. They contribute towards improved utilization of local resources and skills that might otherwise remain unutilized. • Small industries being labour oriented are capable of generating more…show more content…
5.1.9 Women Entrepreneurs in Bangladesh Among the total population of Bangladesh nearly half of these are women, and an indispensable part of nation's human resources. For this reason, bringing women to engage in income-generating activities have now become a major concern for the policy makers. Empowering women economically is a fundamental and unavoidable part of development dialog. In recent years, like other developing countries of the world, Bangladesh has been focusing on the most underprivileged group in the society of the women. Bangladesh Bank, the central bank of Bangladesh is contributing significantly to commercial banks to promote women entrepreneurship in Bangladesh. Various helpful policies are initiated to promote women

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