Eating Disorder Inventory-3 Research

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Purpose The goal of the Eating Disorder Inventory-3 (EDI-3) is to provide a comprehensive measure for assessing individuals with a confirmed or suspected eating disorder. In addition, the EDI-3 is useful in evaluating areas of behavioral and psychological dysfunction as well as assessing treatment outcomes. David M. Garner designed the Eating Disorder Inventory-3 as a way to provide assistance in the diagnosis and assessment of individuals with eating disorders. Type The EDI-3 is a self-report questionnaire used in research and clinical settings as a way to evaluate the symptoms and psychological traits of those with eating disorders, specifically individuals between 13 and 53 years of age. The test is administered in written form (via EDI-3 item booklet) and includes a referral form and symptoms checklist. The referral form portion of the test requires a person to provide his/her height and weight as a means to determine their body mass index (Atlas & Kagee, 2007). In addition, the referral form assists in determining if an individual should be referred for specialized counseling. The symptoms checklist allows for an organized gathering of symptom data by a healthcare professional in an attempt to determine if DSM-IV-TR criteria are met (Atlas & Kagee, 2007). The test consists of 91 items spread across 12 scales. 3 of those 12 scales…show more content…
This includes individuals from a wide range of ethnic and racial backgrounds. The sample group took place in a clinical setting. However, the EDI-3 can be administered in a clinical or non-clinical setting but only if the test administrator has a level B qualification. This test can be administered to a group or individually and has an administration time of 20 minutes with an additional 20 minute scoring

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