Early Nineteenth Century: Industrialization Analysis

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By the early nineteenth century, the industrialization of Europe began. Industrialization is a process that converts from artisanal social and economic to an industrial system. It refers to the development of machine production of goods and new energy resources. Within the industrial system, it included development of advance mechanization of labors and sources of energy (Mercadal, T, 2015). This transition helped create a labor market. Industrialization had many positive and negative effects on the citizens. One main industrialized development that Americans benefited from was factories. Factories were introduced with machines and predetermined tasks, producing items to be shipped and sold elsewhere. Samuel Slater is one influential figure…show more content…
Since this caused movement of people to different cities, it brought rapid urbanization. Due to the growth of the factories, the population in the country increased by 36 %( The First American, 2015). Factories help increase labor for America. It also helped improve our technology through-out the years. Another important fact is that it heled put wages in place to help families survive. In result of factories, distribution and communication became a new way in America. The nationwide transportation during the 1800s became an American railway system. Mining companies used them to ship raw materials to factories over long distances quickly. Railways became highly profitable. As railways replaced mail-delivery, Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. Due to this improvement, it provided quick communication that is needed for smooth operation of businesses. One negative impact on industrialization was the work conditions. Factories were difficult and dangerous as there were no safety hazards. The normal shift hours for a labor worker were between 12 to 16 hours. The factory rules were extremely strict. Labor workers were not able to be sick and miss work or they were fired. Factories also looked down on women. They would hire more women as they could pay them

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